Home DISTRIBUTION GUIDELINES WHO TRS 986, 2014 Annex 3 WHO TRS 986, 2014 Annex 3 personSathyanarayana M.Sc. November 01, 2020 0 share WHO TRS (Technical Report Series) 986, 2014 Annex 3Model quality assurance system for procurement agenciesClick on the any titles below for complete guidelinesTABLE OF CONTENTSGlossary Module I General requirements for procurement agencies I.1 Introduction I.2 Physical resources I.2.1 Premises I.2.2 Equipment I.2.3 Vehicles and transport I.2.4 Financial systems I.2.5 Human resources I.3 Documentation of policies and standards I.3.1 Quality manual I.3.2 Standard operating procedures I.3.3 Change control policy and handling of variations I.3.4 Code of conduct I.3.5 Guidelines on conflict of interest I.3.6 List of prequalified products, manufacturers and suppliers I.3.7 Maintenance of records I.3.8 Contract arrangements Module II Prequalification II.1 Introduction II.2 Principles for prequalificationII.2.1 WHO Model List of essential medicines II.2.2 Standards for prequalification II.2.3 Key persons and responsibilities II.2.3.1 Staff responsible for prequalification II.2.3.2 Staff responsible for evaluation of product information II.2.3.3 Staff responsible for inspection of manufacturing sites II.2.4 Key steps in prequalification II.2.4.1 Step 1: Soliciting information II.2.4.2 Step 2: Receive product information II.2.4.3 Step 3: Screen product information II.2.4.4 Step 4: Evaluate product information II.2.4.5 Step 5: Plan, prepare and perform inspections II.2.4.6 Step 6: Finalize assessment process II.2.5 Requalification and monitoring II.2.6 Monitoring of complaints II.2.7 Cost recovery II.3 List of suggested SOPs Module III Purchasing III.1 Introduction III.2 Procurement strategies III.3 Procurement methods III.3.1 Restricted tender III.3.2 Competitive negotiation III.3.3 Direct procurement III.3.4 Open tender III.4 Quality assurance in purchasing III.5 Key activities in purchasing III.5.1 Develop a list III.5.2 Quantification III.5.3 Procurement method III.6 Organization and responsibilities III.7 Monitoring of performance of prequalified manufacturers III.8 Country legislation III.9 Donations III.10 List of suggested SOPs Module IV Receipt and storage of purchased products IV.1 Introduction IV.2 Pre-shipment quality control IV.3 Receipt of stock IV.4 Post-procurement quality control IV.4.1 Sampling IV.4.2 Rejected materials IV.5 Storage of materials and products IV.5.1 Staff IV.5.2 Storage areas IV.5.3 Storage conditions IV.5.4 Repacking and relabeling IV.5.5 Miscellaneous and hazardous materials IV.5.6 Stock control IV.5.7 Documentation: written instructions and records IV.6 List of suggested SOPs Module V Distribution V.1 Introduction V.2 Transport conditions V.3 Cold chain V.4 Temperature monitoring and records V.5 Delivery order V.6 Dispatch procedures and policies V.7 Dispatch containers V.8 Dispatch records V.9 Traceability V.10 Port of entry V.11 List of suggested SOPs Module VI Reassessment VI.1 Introduction VI.2 Reevaluation of manufacturers VI.3 Reevaluation of products VI.4 Monitoring of contracted services VI.5 List of suggested SOPs References Appendix 1. Example of a code of conduct Appendix 2. Example of a guideline on confidentiality Appendix 3. Example of a guideline on conflict of interest Appendix 4. Example of a standard operating procedure (SOP) for writing an SOP Appendix 5. Example of an invitation for expression of interest Appendix 6. Interagency finished pharmaceutical product questionnaire based on the model quality assurance system for procurement agencies Appendix 7. Example of a standard operating procedure for screening and assessing product information Appendix 8. Quality systems recommendations for pharmaceutical inspectorates Appendix 9. Technical questionnaire for pharmaceutical manufacturers Appendix 10. Example of a standard operating procedure for planning of inspections Appendix 11. Example of a standard operating procedure for preparing for an inspection Appendix 12. Example of a standard operating procedure for performing an inspection Appendix 13. Example of a checklist for good manufacturing practices Appendix 14. Guidance on good manufacturing practices: model inspection report Appendix 15. Good storage practices Appendix 16. Good trade and distribution practicesWHO TRS (Technical Report Series) 986, 2014 Annex 3: Tags DISTRIBUTION GUIDELINES Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Newer Older