WHO TRS (Technical Report Series) 981, 2013 Annex 2
WHO Guidelines On Quality Risk Management
Click on the any titles below for complete guidelines
1.2 Principles of quality risk management
3. Quality risk management process
3.3 Knowledge of the product and process
3.7 Verification of QRM process and methodologies
3.8 Risk communication and documentation
4. QRM application for pharmaceuticals
4.3 QRM application during product development
4.4 QRM application during validation and qualification
4.5 QRM application during commercial manufacturing
4.5.1 QRM integration with key quality system elements
4.5.2 QRM application in product manufacturing operations
5. QRM considerations for medicines regulatory authorities
5.2 QRM application to inspection strategy
5.2.1 Risk management in inspections
5.2.2 Inspection planning and conduct
5.2.3 Corrective action and preventive action review, and scheduling of
5.2.4 Complaint handling and investigation
5.3 Inspection of QRM at a manufacturing site
5.4 QRM applied to dossier review (assessment)
WHO TRS (Technical Report Series) 981, 2013 Annex 2: