WHO Supplement 4 - Building security and fire protection

Sathyanarayana M.Sc.

WHO Supplement 4 - Building security and fire protection

Technical supplement to WHO Technical Report Series, No. 961, 2011

Annex 9: Model guidance for the storage and transport of time- and temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical products

WHO Supplement 4 - Building security and fire protection: Technical supplement to WHO Technical Report Series, No. 961, 2011 | Annex 9: Model guidance for the storage and transport of time- and temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical products

Click on the titles below for complete guidelines





1. Introduction 

1.1 Requirements 

1.2 Objectives 

1.3 Target audience 

1.4 Associated materials and equipment 

2. Guidance 

2.1 Site security and emergency access 

2.2 General building security 

2.3 Controlled and hazardous substances areas 

2.4 Fire detection systems 

2.5 Fire suppression equipment 

2.5.1 Sprinkler systems 

2.5.2 Smoke ventilation systems 

2.6 Compartmentation 

2.7 Fire prevention, training and control procedures 

2.7.1 Risk assessment 

2.7.2 Fire prevention 

2.7.3 Fire safety training

2.7.4 Fire control procedures 


Annex 1

SOP: Fire safety housekeeping 

A1.1 Policy and objectives 

A1.1.1 Policy 

A1.1.2 Objectives 

A1.2 Responsibility 

A1.3 Associated materials and equipment 

A1.4 Procedure 

A1.4.1 Reducing ignition sources 

A1.4.2 Reducing fuel load

A1.4.3 Maintenance of fire protection measures 

A1.5 Related documents

Annex 2

SOP: Routine inspection and maintenance 

A2.1 Policy and objectives 

A2.1.1 Policy 

A2.1.2 Objectives 

A2.2 Responsibility 

A2.3 Associated materials and equipment 

A2.4 Procedure 

A2.4.1 Daily inspections 

A2.4.2 Weekly inspections 

A2.4.3 Monthly inspections 

A2.4.4 Three-monthly inspections 

A2.4.5 Six-monthly inspections 

A2.4.6 Yearly inspections

A2.5 Related documents 

Annex 3

SOP: Fire drills 

A3.1 Policy and objectives 

A3.1.1 Policy 

A3.1.2 Objectives 

A3.2 Responsibility 

A3.3 Associated materials and equipment 

A3.4 Procedure 

A3.4.1 Conducting test evacuations 

A3.5 Related document 

Revision history 

WHO Supplement 4 - Building security and fire protection:

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