WHO Supplement 5 - Maintenance of storage facilities
Technical supplement to WHO Technical Report Series, No. 961, 2011
Annex 9: Model guidance for the storage and transport of time- and temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical products
Click on the any titles below for complete guidelines
2.1 Associated materials and equipment
2.2 What is maintenance and why is it important?
2.3 The building design and construction phase
2.3.1 The operation and maintenance manual
2.3.2 The health and safety file
2.4.1 Establish an institutional or contractual framework
2.4.2 Preventive maintenance and replacement: standards and schedules
2.4.3 Establish a multi-year maintenance plan
2.4.4 Planned periodic inspections
2.4.5 Planned service inspections
2.4.7 Organizing and managing the work
2.4.8 Inspecting and signing off the work
Checklist for building weatherproofing
WHO Supplement 5 - Maintenance of storage facilities: