EMA GVP Module 16

Sathyanarayana M.Sc.

Guideline on good pharmacovigilance practices (GVP) Module XVI – Risk minimisation measures: selection of tools and effectiveness indicators (Rev 2):

Guideline on good pharmacovigilance practices (GVP) Module XVI – Risk minimisation measures: selection of tools and effectiveness indicators (Rev 2):


Risk minimisation measures are interventions intended to prevent or reduce the occurrence of adverse reactions associated with the exposure to a medicine, or to reduce their severity or impact on the patient should adverse reactions occur. Planning and implementing risk minimisation measures and assessing their effectiveness are key elements of risk management. The guidance provided in this Module should be considered in the context of the wider GVP guidance, in particular in conjunction with GVP Module V.

Click on the titles below for complete guidelines

Table of contents

XVI.A. Introduction

XVI.B. Structures and processes 

XVI.B.1. General principles 

XVI.B.2. Risk minimisation measures 

XVI.B.2.1. Educational programme

XVI.B.2.1.1. Educational tools

XVI.B. Educational tools targeting healthcare professionals

XVI.B. Educational tools targeting patients and/or carers

XVI.B.2.2. Controlled access programme

XVI.B.2.3. Other risk minimisation measures

XVI.B.2.3.1. Controlled distribution system

XVI.B.2.3.2 Pregnancy prevention programme

XVI.B.2.3.3. Direct health care professional communication (DHPC)

XVI.B.3. Implementation of risk minimisation measures

XVI.B.4. Effectiveness of risk minimisation measures

XVI.B.4.1. Process indicators

XVI.B.4.1.1. Reaching the target population

XVI.B.4.1.2. Assessing clinical knowledge 

XVI.B.4.1.3. Assessing clinical actions

XVI.B.4.2. Outcome indicators

XVI.B.5. Coordination

XVI.B.6. Quality systems of risk minimisation measures

XVI.C. Operation of the EU network

XVI.C.1. Roles and responsibilities within the EU regulatory network

XVI.C.1.1. The European Medicines Agency

XVI.C.1.2. The Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) 

XVI.C.1.3. Competent authorities in Member States

XVI.C.2. Roles and responsibilities of the marketing authorisation holder or applicant in the EU

XVI.C.3. Healthcare professionals and patients

XVI.C.4. Impact of risk minimisation measures effectiveness on RMP/PSUR in the EU

XVI.C.5. Transparency

XVI. Appendix 1. Key elements of survey methodology

XVI.App1.1. Sampling procedures and recruitment strategy

XVI.App1.2. Design and administration of the data collection instrument(s)

XVI.App1.3. Analytical approaches 

XVI.App1.4. Ethics, privacy and overall study feasibility

EMA GVP Module 16:


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