FDA CFR Title 21 Food and Drugs Regulations

Sathyanarayana M.Sc.

FDA CFR Title 21 Food and Drugs Regulations: The CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government.

FDA CFR Title 21 Food and Drugs Regulations

The CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government. Title 21 of the CFR is reserved for rules of the Food and Drug Administration. Each title (or volume) of the CFR is revised once each calendar year. A revised Title 21 is issued on approximately April 1st of each year. CFR Title 21 - Food and Drugs: Contains three chapters - I, II, III and parts - 1 to 1499.

Chapter I: Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services, Parts: 1 - 1299

Chapter I

Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services

Parts: 1-1299

Subchapter -A


1 - 99

Subchapter -B

Food for Human Consumption  

100 - 199

Subchapter -C

Drugs: General 

200 - 299

Subchapter -D

Drugs for Human Use    

300 - 499

Subchapter -E

Animal Drugs, Feeds, and Related Products        

500 - 599

Subchapter -F


600 - 680

Subchapter -G


700 - 799

Subchapter -H

Medical Devices              

800 - 898

Subchapter -I

Mammography Quality Standards Act   


Subchapter -J

Radiological Health         

1000 - 1050

Subchapter -K

Tobacco Products           

1100 - 1150

Subchapter -L

Regulations Under Certain Other Acts Administered by the Food and Drug Administration

1210 - 1299

Chapter II: Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice, Parts: 1300 - 1399

Chapter II

Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice

Part  1300


Part  1301

Registration of Manufacturers, Distributors, and Dispensers of Controlled Substances

Part  1302

Labeling and Packaging Requirements for Controlled Substances

Part  1303


Part  1304

Records and Reports of Registrants

Part  1305

Orders for Schedule I and II Controlled Substances

Part  1306


Part  1307


Part  1308

Schedules of Controlled Substances

Part  1309

Registration of Manufacturers, Distributors, Importers and Exporters of List I Chemicals

Part  1310

Records and Reports of Listed Chemicals and Certain Machines; Importation and Exportation of Certain Machines

Part  1311

Requirements for Electronic Orders and Prescriptions

Part  1312

Importation and Exportation of Controlled Substances

Part  1313

Importation and Exportation of List I and List II Chemicals

Part  1314

Retail Sale of Scheduled Listed Chemical Products

Part  1315

Importation and Production Quotas for Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, and Phenylpropanolamine

Part  1316

Administrative Functions, Practices, and Procedures

Part  1317


Part  1318

Controls to Satisfy the Requirements of the Act Applicable to the Manufacturing of Marihuana

Part  1321

DEA Mailing Addresses

Part  1322-1399


Chapter III: Office of National Drug Control Policy, Parts: 1400 – 1499

Chapter III

Office of National Drug Control Policy

Part  1400


Part  1401

Public Availability of Information

Part  1402

Mandatory Declassification Review

Parts  1403-1499


FDA CFR Title 21 Food and Drugs Regulations:


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